Special Guest Post By Wheels Himself!!!
Yes friends, our favorite announcer of all-time has decided to email us his thoughts on the recent re-acquisition by the Phillies of fellow play-by-play man Tom McCarthy. I'm just going to re-post it word for word, but with the actual blessing of said emailer, unlike some others that shall remain unnamed (*cough cough*):
Dear Chris Wheeler 4 HOF Action Blog:
Hey there guys. I was reluctant to email you about the recent news when I first read your website. Your 'blog', as the kids call it, looked great and had terrific subject matter, but I was unsure of whether the Phillies organization wanted me to let the cat out of the bag. But how important is it to connect with your fans? I'd say it's huge, like Safeco Field. Boy is that a joke! Anyway, you may have already heard that Tom McCarthy is coming back to the Phillies to help me out with the play-by-play. I've been working with Harry Kalas for years now, and while he's all class, we all know that he's been thinking about retiring because of some issues he's had of late. Let's just say he's been calling games like he's underwater! So the organization saw fit to give me something special to work with, namely the up-and-comer Tom.
Tom's a great kid. He's bubbly, goofy and just a beauty of a guy. Much like me, he respects the game's history and those who came before him and is a great baseball man. I'm going to enjoy showing him the ropes and teaching him the ins and outs of broadcasting. I hope one day he can become a lead announcer somewhere and be loved by the fanbase, sort of how I'm thought of in the city of Brotherly Love.
But Tom will be the first to tell you that he's a Mets fan though, bahaha. That's going to be interesting in those really weird games where Jose Reyass smokes a ball into the gap off a first-ball fastball set middle-in. How will Tom react? I guess we'll see how he scores it.
That's all for now guys. Wish me luck in my quest for the Hall of Fame honors in 2008. If Harry can get in, I sure as heck should too, bahahaha.
Best Wishes,